Andrei Gorbatov (aka "Gorbachev") is the only country music journalist and promoter in Russia and the former Soviet Union. For many years lie has written and broadcast information about country and bluegrass music in Russia and abroad. Andrei was born in the capital of the Urals region, Sverdlovsk — known before the Soviet renaming of cities, towns, parks and even streets; and now again since the collapse of the Soviet Union, as Yekaterinburg. The city where Nicholas II, the last Russian tsar, and his family were murdered by Lenin's order. And Boris Yeltin's home town.
Gorbatov, a resourceful journalist even as a teenager, interviewed Roy dark in 1976 when he was in Moscow. In 1978 he worked with Jeff Hanna and the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band during their Moscow gigs.
During the '70s and early '80s, the social, political and cultural life in the Soviet Union was very difficult for anybody who didn't strictly conform to Party guidelines, not only in outward behavior but also in thought, taste, creative inspiration.... Until 1985, wlien he worked with John Denver during his Moscow concert, "Gorbachev" had never had a real job -- he was in the Army. His next meeting with country music was in 1987 in Russia with Kris Kristofferson. In 1989-90 Andrei worked again in Moscow with Roy Clark and with the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band; in Prague, Czechoslovakia, with Poutnici and other country bands; and in Mrongowo, Poland, with George Hamilton V, Tom Grant and others. In October of 1992 Andrei accompanied Ricky Scaggs in Moscow and St. Petersburg, filming a documentary of the trip. From 1989 to 1992, Andrei organized and promoted the international country and bluegrass Farmer Festivals. Currently, lie is organizing a new international country festival, which will take take place' annually in Moscow, beginning next year.